Olive Grove Adventure

Olive Grove’s purpose is to provide children and youth, ages 8-18, with unforgettable opportunities and challenges to grow as individuals, friends and followers of God.
Olive Grove 2025, June 14-28

Our History
Originally launched in 1997 as “International Kids’ Adventure", Olive Grove is a Christ-centered English-speaking holiday adventure designed for children and youth who are impacted by multi-cultural influences.
Each year, young people from over a dozen different countries gather for meaningful holiday fun at Olive Grove.
Adventure at Olive Grove
To ensure that every ‘Olive Grover’ gets the very most from his or her holiday adventure, he or she is grouped with others according to age and gender. Carefully selected counselors (English-speaking university students and young professionals) befriend and help guide Olive Grovers through the holiday adventure.
Creative acting, craft making, kayaking, rock climbing, swimming, playing popular sports, meaningful discussions – are all examples of our activities - all of which are carefully guided and supervised.

Development at Olive Grove
In the Bible, the olive tree is a symbol of growth, goodness, prosperity, and peace.
Hosea speaks of the beauty of the olive tree: a beauty that does not lie in its physical appearance, but rather in its inner qualities that produce an abundance of good fruit.
At Olive Grove, we focus on developing those inner qualities that constitute true beauty. We aim to develop in children and youth the lasting qualities of faith, hope, and love.
We seek to bring them into closer, more meaningful relationships with God and one another so that they will go home with more than just good memories. They take with them well-founded hopes, plans, and dreams to fulfill.